Amorgos is a quiet and very nice island with the capital (chora) in the mountains. It’s a small village with typical while houses in small alleys and some very nice cafe’s and restaurants.
Chalkio (Chalki) is a small village on Naxos, it’s about 5 km before Filoti. Only 500 people live here. There are many olive plantations in the surrounding area. From Chalkio starts many wonderfull trails. From the fire station turn left into the small street. At the end is a small place from where you can start going to the village Moni in the mountains. 10 km away from Chalkio is Apeiranthos, a nice mountain village with a view to the biggest mointain Zas.
Armorgos is a quiet and beautiful island in the Cyclades. We were three days on Amorgos and visited Katapola, Chora and the Monastery Chozoviotissa. There are separate posts about the places. Katapola is situated in a bay and has three parts which are connected by a road. On the side of the small port there are hotels, restaurants and shops. Opposite there are some nice little restaurants right on the water and in the middle part there is a large church.
Who visit Amorgos should definitely stay in Katapola as this place has a special charm. We stayed at Hotel Amorgion about 1 km above the village, with a beautiful view into the bay. In addition, the hotel has a small pool which is wonderfully refreshing after long walks. We left Amorgos with the 6 in the morning ferry Blue Star which is rewarded with an awesome sunrise.
The monastery Chozoviotissa is the most popular and impressive place on Amorgos. It’s well known by the movie ‚The Deep Blue‘ by Luc Besson. The start sequence is a fly over the sea directly to the monastery which is build in the cliff. Some other szenes of this movie were made on Amorgos, and so this movie gave the tourism a little push. The monastery was build in the 9th centry and there still live monks. You can visit the monastery every day but don’t forget long pants.
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